1/24/2021 0 Comments
All ages are welcome to experience the benefits of massage therapy. From babies through to our senior citizen population, massage can be beneficial for anyone.
Massage Therapy might especially be positive for our children with the higher demand of virtual learning and the use of more frequent electronic devices. This can lead to issues such as Tech Neck, an overuse syndrome involving the head, neck, and shoulders, usually resulting from excessive strain on the spine from looking in a forward and downward position at any handheld mobile device. This can lead to pain and discomfort such as:
Neck pain
Shoulder and arm pain
Breathing compromise
Disc injury
Muscle strain
This can cause damage to the structures in the neck and spine.
Something I’ve heard from many of our clients whom have children is that their weeks are very hectic. Many children have the stress of school, whether it be in the class room or virtually from home, competitive sports, helping around the house, and so much more. I feel like I’m speaking from personal experience. My daughter and I have a busy schedule. She has been getting massages since she was a baby. Recently she has started requesting them with a list of areas she wants me to work on. Just recently she told me she understood why so many people come to Bodyworks to receive massage is because they feel so good and because I’m really good at what I do…LOL, I think she wanted extra massage time.
Our children have aches and pains just like we do. I think we just feel ours more and are more aware of it. They can receive the same benefits from massage as we do, such as:
Increased mobility
Reduce anxiety & stress
Improve overall sleep quality
Increase flexibility
Provides muscle and joints pain relief
Improve circulation
Improving immune function
Helps fight depression
Relieves sports injuries
Boost focus
Reduce fatigue
Regular massage can also help to reduce and relieve childhood and adolescent growing pains. Massage is a stress-buster for children. Often we think of stress as just an adult condition, but even children have stress. Starting a new school, family illness, divorce, and even our hectic lifestyles of “BUSY” can cause stress. Massage therapy is a simple way to slow down, stop, and give them a chance to find some peaceful calm. We do require anyone under 18 to be accompanied by and have the consent of a parent or guardian. The parent must be in the treatment room the entire time. We create a supportive relationship with both parent and child and give them a safe space away from the worries of a big world. Be Well, Cindy Owner/Founder/Licensed Massage Therapist